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Kentucky Criminal Defense Lawyers

Reed Law Group, PLC

Bowling Green, KY

Mudd Legal Group

Louisville , KY

Taylor Law Office

Middlesboro , KY

Baldani Law Group

Lexington , KY

James H. Wren, II Attorney at Law

James has been licensed for 42 years and focuses his practice in Criminal Defense and Domestic Relations.

Williamsburg, KY

James is an experienced advocate having handled over 7,500 cases in his 30+ years of practice. He has served in private practice and as a public advocate, and has served both in support of criminal prosecution and criminal defense. Call 606-524-4800 to schedule your initial consultation.

Jude A. Hagan

Lebanon , KY

Michael B. Fox

Olive Hill , KY

Grubbs & Landry, PLLC

Fort Mitchell , KY

Zanda Myers, Attorney at Law

Bowling Green Criminal Defense Attorney - In the pursuit of justice, the defense never rests.

Bowling Green , KY

Licensed for 18 years, Zanda Myers has handled over 1,500 cases as a trial attorney. She has secured not guilty verdicts on Robbery, Strangulation, Drug Trafficking, DUI, Disorderly Conduct, Terroristic Threatening and Menacing. Call 270-599-1020 to schedule your consultation today.

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