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Ohio Criminal Defense Lawyers

Kopec Law

Cleveland , OH

Brien Miller at Wicktora & Miller, LLC

Call 513-318-9981 for your free initial consultation.

Montgomery, OH


Mentor , OH

DeBra Law, LLC

Cincinnati , OH

McNeal Legal Services

Bedford Heights , OH

Marian Davidson

Steubenville , OH

Corrigan Law Ohio

Cleveland , OH

Beck Peistrup, LTD

If you are facing a family law issue or a criminal charge, contact our attorneys at Beck Peistrup, LTD in Marysville, Ohio for trusted legal guidance.

Marysville , OH

We are a small litigation firm based in the Central Ohio area, including Union County, Ohio and surrounding counties of Champaign, Delaware, Franklin, Hardin and Logan. We focus in the areas of Criminal Defense, DUI/OVI Defense, Traffic Law, Family Law, Personal Injury and Gun Rights.

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